Monthly Archives: February 2012

Male and Female campus students

Taking a walk through the different reactions of males and females that are exposed to similar circumstances show just how different the two genders vary. In a women’s hostel with a capacity of over eight hundred students there has been lights on just a few sections of the four block four story hostel for a couple of days now. The ladies are still calm and you can barely notice anything amiss on there lovely faces even as they go about there business in campus. I feel the need to mention that here in this campus, students rely heavily on electricity. Gas cylinders have never seen the light of the day in the hostels. Oh well, apart from the one that lights the lamp at the custodians office in the event of a widespread black out. So lack of electricity means tipping the equilibrium a bit and I must say it is a discomfort for those so used to it. I needn’t divulge further details. Now, if this case scenario was transferred to the men hostels? The mildest outcome would be a couple of cars shedding their windscreens on the highway. Am I biased if I say women amaze me. Not by their docile nature and inability to demand better services and exhibit some level of assertiveness, and in this case I certainly don’t advocate for aggression as a means of self expression. I am moved by their ability to master patience, desist from complaining and taking even ‘difficult’ situations in one stride. Shaggy couldn’t have put it better in his song strength of a woman. And you wonder why there are gay men! If I was a man, I would most undoubtedly date a woman.

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Male and Female UoN student

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